Federal High Court sitting in Abuja says it will hear the suit seeking to sack Abdullahi Ganduje as the national chairman of the all Progressives Congress (APC) on June 26, 2024.

Ruling on the matter on Thursday, June 13, Justice Inyang Ekwo said the court would also decide on the objection raised against the competence of the suit.

Justice Ekwo said the ruling is sequel to a request by Benjamin Favour, the lawyer to the plaintiff —the North Central APC Forum — which seeking to be allowed time to reply to the responses filed by Ganduje.

The Forum, led by Saleh Zazzaga, is querying the propriety of Ganduje’s appointment as the chairman of the APC when he is not from the north-central geo-political zone.

Listed as defendants in the case are Ganduje, the APC, and the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

At the mention of the case on Thursday, Davou said although the suit was slated for hearing, it would not be possible because Ganduje’s lawyer, Raymond Asikeni just served him the notice of preliminary objection and counter affidavit filed by the first defendant.

The plaintiff, in the main suit, wants the court to, among others, restrain Ganduje from further parading himself as the chairman of the APC.

It also wants the court to issue an order directing INEC not to accord recognition to all actions taken by the APC, including congresses, primaries, and nominations, since Ganduje became APC Chairman on August 3, 2023.

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