The Congress of Civil Society, Abia State chapter, on Tuesday, in Onitsha, Anambra State, advised the Chief of Defence Staff, CDS, General Christopher Gwabin Musa, to stop begging Finland Government to rendition Simon Ekpa but rather to fight for Kanu’s immediate release as the only solution to restoration peace that has eluded the people.

In a press release signed and issued to newsmen on behalf of the group by the State chapter chairman, comrade Damian Ogudike, he recalled that the hief of Defence staff led other Service Chiefs to appear before the House of Representatives to brief the lawmakers on the Nigeria security situation.

He noted that while briefing the house, General Musa specifically expressed worry on how Finland-based Biafran agitator, Simon Ekpa, has been fuelling the flames of insecurity across the southeastern region.

He also said that Simon Ekpa remained a key issue that must be looked into by the Federal Government, adding that he has become a menace to the country.

Speaking further, Comrade Ogudike noted that the Chief of Defence staff had said Simon Ekpa’s unguarded actions have resulted in loss of several lives including security personnel, crippling socio-economic activities and destruction of private and public properties in the southeast.

In response, he informed the Chief of Defence staff that the CSO had warned Nigeria security agencies to stop sending their men to fight these unknown gunmen and apply a peaceful approach to solve the problem.

He also referred to how the former President Umaru Musa Yar’dua fought MEND in Niger Delta with guns and machine guns and failing, later introduced Amnesty to all the fighters, a policy and strategy which brought the war to an end.

Speaking at length, Comrade Ogudike noted that from the survey conducted by the group, the only option available to the Nigeria government is to release Mazi Nnamdi Kanu as this will to large extent solve the insecurity challenges in the South East.

He aslo recalled that the United Nation committee Working Group on Arbitrary Detention, had on April 4, 2022, adopted a report which stated that the Nigerian Government should release Nnamdi Kanu, a report which indicted Nigeria and Kenya for illegal arrest and extraordinary rendition, torture and continued detention of Kanu in the custody of the DSS.

He also recalled that all Nigerian courts set Kanu free from all accusations and allegations yet the executive arm of government ignored and still holds Kanu, stating that with all these law violations no  nation will take Nigeria serious on  demand for Ekpa’s rendition.

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