The Chief of Defence Staff, General Christopher Musa has wowed that Simon Ekpa, self-proclaimed Prime Minister of the proscribed Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) must be arrested and prosecuted.

The Chief of Defense Staff accused Finland of shielding Simon Ekpa.

He decried the activities of IPOB in the South-East, demanding the arrest and prosecution of Ekpa.

The CDS called on the Nigerian government to take decisive action, including exploring diplomatic options to curb the menace of the factional leader of the IPOB.

He said, “We have repeatedly complained about the issue of Simon Ekpa. He is in Finland and the Finnish Government is giving him all the support and he is doing what he is doing.

“The comments he is making, people are being killed and nothing is being done. This is democracy. If the European Union is supporting democracy and this is happening and they are not taking action, then they don’t mean well for Nigeria

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